
My Satka, an international social and cultural project of the city and territory development, which is implemented by the Sobranie Fund with the support from Magnezit Group, won a prize in the program called “Best Social Projects in Russia” in the category “Culture, Arts and Religion”. The awarding ceremony was conducted in Radisson Resort Hotel (Zavidovo) in the end of the last week.

My Satka is a creative project, which was launched in summer 2016 and then became a long-term one. It aims to overcome the isolation of the mono-city, improve the city environment, as well as to promote cultural initiatives as an instrument to develop the territory, which is used by Magnezit Group to pursue their activities. The project events are organized in the form of international festivals in two spheres: Art-Satka (modernization of large urban landscape objects and decorating of facades) and Arch-Satka (creation of small architectural objects, which are integrated into the public spaces of the city).

Experts of the “Best Social Projects in Russia” competition appreciated the festival for the innovative approach to the spatial transformations and the new actual mechanisms involved for the local communities to study the pieces of architecture, fine arts and urban solutions, which are now actively introduced in the urban development practice. Prominence was also given to the diversity of events united by My Satka. These are leisure and educational activities, organization of creative spaces and creation of trendy urban design objects involving famous national and foreign artists, who make art-installations, murals, sculptures and urban infrastructure elements, who give master-classes for local residents and engage them into co-creation. As a result, city residents actively participate in the implementation of the artists’ ideas, when the latter make small architectural objects. 

Thus, My Satka not only forms the new urban cultural landscape, but also contributes to the active development of the local creative initiatives, to the formation of communities and sustainable collaboration systems, which wish to make the city a better and more interesting place.

This project is one of the social programs started by Magnezit Group and implemented within the sustainable development and social investment policy. 


The program called “Best Social Projects in Russia” is an annual socially beneficial award that has been granted to the leaders in the field of corporate social responsibility since 2012.

The mission of the competition is to unite, inspire and support state, business and funds, which put into action the initiatives to solve social problems and to contribute to the development of a favorable social medium.

Source: Magnezitovets. Photo by Ivan Kurinnoy.