

A new exhibition from the ‘Satka: City Code’ series is devoted to the V. I. Gundartsev Sports School. The exhibition features over 250 modern and archival photographs, telling the sports story of a famous local figure and his followers. 

A part of the exhibition is dedicated to Vladimir Ilyich Gundartsev, a biathlete, winner and medalist of numerous sports competitions, whose most significant award was the gold medal in the biathlon relay at the 10th Olympic Games in Grenoble, France, in 1968. 

“Vladimir Ilyich has become a hero for multiple generations in our country and a role model for young athletes”, says Diana Gurova, the exhibition curator. “We found it very important to remind the citizens of Satka and the guests of the town about the history of this remarkable person during the anniversary year of the school named after him. We will highlight the most interesting and significant moments from his biography and sports career, and of course, remind everyone of that Olympic success—the globally renowned event of 1968—when the gold medal in the biathlon relay at the 10th Olympic Games was won by the USSR team, of which Vladimir Ilyich was a part. This breakthrough marked the beginning of a 20-year period of victories for our athletes in this type of competition at the Olympics. Exactly 50 years ago, in 1974, a decision was made to open a youth sports school in Satka, which has proudly borne the name of Vladimir Ilyich Gundartsev for the past 10 years.”

The exhibition features not only archival photographs provided by the V. I. Gundartsev Sports School, but also contemporary reportage images by Vasily Maksimov, a photographer from Satka. He worked on the project for over 3 months and gathered a vast array of sports emotions. The viewer, along with the athletes in his photographs, will experience joy, the thrill of speed, concentration, tension, fatigue, and a multitude of other emotions that accompany the journey to sports victories.

Initially, the school was located on the first floor of a building constructed in 1937, while the second floor was designated for the Youth Center. In 2000, with the support of Magnezit, a large-scale reconstruction of the building began. In 2001, an air-supported structure with tennis courts was opened, becoming the third facility of its kind in Russia at that time. Following the renovation, new halls for various sports and new sports clubs were established.

Nowadays, the sports facility is open not only to skiers and tennis players. It also offers classes in rhythmic gymnastics and powerlifting, as well as access to a gym and chess lessons. Most recently, in 2023, a football section was established 

Currently, about 700 children of various ages are enrolled in the school, with clubs available for adults as well. More than 20 coaches provide athletic training for the younger generation. 

Which names are associated with the school’s successes? Who has dedicated many years to coaching and continues to contribute to the physical development of the younger generation? Whose names have resonated at All-Union competitions and continue to be heard at All-Russian competitions, as well as at World and European championships? What unites the school’s students and their coaches? You can find the answers in the new exhibition. It is open at the venue near the Magnezit Palace of Culture and will run until March 8, 2025. 

By the way, on October 30, the sports school plans to celebrate its anniversary. The celebration will take place at the Magnezit Palace of Culture.

Source: Magnezitovets Photograph: Vasily Maksimov.