  • FANK in Art-Satka

The Contemporary Science Film Festival (FANK) will be held again in Satka with the assistance of Magnezit Group and Sobranie Fund. In the new season, the residents and city guests will visit film representations in the framework of the “Science Cinema Days FANK” educational project.

Films about science and technologies can be watched on Tuesdays and Saturdays in Art-Satka creative public space. The films of the festival are represented until October 30. 

Already in the nearest Saturday, on September 14, at 11 a.m. and at 6 p.m. the first films will be shown. The “Flight Characteristics of Tiny Bugs” film (Russia, 2024, directed by Dmitry Zavilgelskiy) will open the festival at Satka art-space. This is a story about Aleksey Polilov, a biologist-entomologist, who studies molecular secrets in the flights of small and tiny insects. Such a research was not done before, all the data were based on the observations made by natural scientists one hundred years ago. The results of the new research, in addition to scientific interest, may contribute to development of new technologies. The film director gives spectators a unique opportunity to have a glance at the work of a famous biologist, Head of the Entomology Department, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Sciences.

On Tuesday, September 17, at 2 p.m. and at 6.30 p.m. “Closer to the Stars” is shown (France, 2018, directed by Loren Garcia). The documentary film shows “people of stars”, who work at observatories in Chile, Hawaii, and Canary Islands. Why do they take part in a race to the stars? What challenges do they address: finding planets fit for life, finding signs of extraterrestrial life or understanding our own star, the Sun? How does astronomy decipher our past and form our future? The film invites to search for answers to these and other questions about stars.

Film representations are free, entrance: after registration, the relevant link and the schedule will be published on the VKontakte page of Art-Satka.

By the way, the same as in the previous years, the film festival is the reason for additional events. This time, it is a grant competition for organizers of creative spaces, as well as a prize drawing for spectators: an opportunity to win a trip to Moscow including a visit to the Atom museum or to Nizhniy Novgorod to a scientific BarCamp, as well as a draw game for the spectators, who filled in a questionnaire after the representations, where some Yandex columns are offered as prizes. Details are available at the project site.


The Contemporary Science Film Festival (FANK) is a festival of a new format held annually in Satka. The festival is a mix of original documentaries on science and technology, scientific stand-ups, lectures and discussions. Its events do not follow the traditional festival format and are not tied to a specific time or place — they run in different cities throughout the year. The organizing committee of the fest selects, translates popular science films, obtains distribution certificates, creates the design and content for social networks and media.

In 2014, Magnezit Group and Sobranie Fund became the partners of the International Contemporary Science Film Festival 360° for the first time. In years 2018–2019, FANK was held in Satka within the framework of the Interregional Festival of Education and Science. Since 2021, Science Cinema Days FANK have been annually held in Art-Satka creative public space.