
Magnezit employees again became characters of the “Satka: City Code” project. A new exhibition was opened at Ruina art-space near the Magnezit Cultural Center; it continued the photo story “There Are a Lot of Different Professions” told by Oleg Panov and Oksana Panova.

“Magnezit. “Unexplored” Professions” is the first street project launched this year that is represented within a series of exhibitions, which tell us about the life of Satka and the professions at the Satka’s backbone company – Magnezit Group.

“For many years the city life has been connected with the mining of magnesite and production of materials on its basis. In Satka, magnesite mining was started back in 1900, and in a year the production of refractory products was launched. The company development is considered successful; now it undergoes an overwhelming process improvement; time of innovations is the time for new specialists and professions. Many of them can yet be called “unexplored”, as they are not so well-known outside the production sites, says an exhibition abstract. Its authors pose a question together with Diana Gurova, the project curator: do many people know anything about the functions of instrument or measurement technicians or an engineer of a material engineering laboratory? About such professions as a process operator or a melting operator, a sorting operator of semi-finished and finished products and a lot of other specialties, which change and develop together with Magnezit Group? 

The main task of the photographers Oleg Panov and Vera Panova was to tell about these “unexplored” professions. For some days they observed the work of the Magnezit employees in various subdivisions of the company and presented the results of their trip to “the unexplored” in the black-and-white. Why? The answer is simple: it is an artistic technique that will help a spectator:

- Black-and-white photos, which remind of graphic sketches, help a spectator focus their attention on the characters depicted in the photos and the processes, into which they are involved, feel how the employees are concentrated on their activities to carry out their work in a good quality, at a high level of worldwide standards, Diana Gurova notes.

We are glad to invite you to the new exhibition (it will be open until October) and remind you that the first part of the project implemented by the Panovs – the exposition “There Are a Lot of Different Professions” – is exhibited in the Magnezit Cultural Center until May 20.

Source: Magnezitovets. Photo by: Vasily Maksimov.