  • The Savings Box of Impressions


May 29, Magnezit Museum will hold a new master class under Satka: Crossroad initiative devoted to Satka’s 260th anniversary.

Nadezhda Maximova, coordinator of the educational programme of Satka: Crossroad initiative holds master classes by results of every new exhibition. Thus, another creative meeting will be devoted to the creativity of the Tomsk artist Lukia Murina that combined art and industry in her works. Her schizzos and sketches are presented in Uralo Kuzbass exhibition running in Magnezit Museum in May and June.

And by results of the pervious project that united such exhibitions as Devoted to the Defenders of the Fatherland and Amber Today the Museum held Preserved Impressions master class dedicated to studies of the historical memory with contemporary art tools. The master class participants included teachers and students of the children art school No. 1, their parent and young people from Magnezit.

At first, Nadezhda told the attendees about creativity of contemporary artists that turned diverse content and objects – boxes, bottles, maps, books, desks and a lot more – in “preserved impressions”. Then those present got several tasks to do: to write five words associated with the Great Patriotic War, to visit the Devoted to the Defenders of the Fatherland exhibition, and write the five words of impression again. After that, the temporary exposition hall turned in the creativity workshop.

The result was quite original things that supplemented the Amber Today exhibition. Someone was writing two-sided notes with the words “Fortitude, Victory, Deed of the People…”, others provided quotations from Magnezit workers applications asking to enroll them in people's volunteer corps, or drawing airplanes and armory, while other used bread and boiled water coupons.

- At first I thought about bombs, screams, horror, and that people are afraid of the war. But during the exhibition I was most touched by the fact that people of my age, teenagers, had participated in military actions and worked in the factories, – says Karina Farkhutdinova. - I didn’t know that coupons had been given not only for bread, but even for boiled water! Finally, my preserved impressions included the drawing of the bombshell, because the was is associated with explosions, wrote an abstract from an application of a person who asked to send him to the war. I also wrote “help” word, it seemed to me that it could be written by anyone, because it is war. I entitled my work “The war lives inside of us” meaning that all of us remember and will never forget about the war.

If you want to become a participant of the next master class held May 29, 4 p.m., you can register in Magnezit Museum calling 9-46-84.

Photo by Anna Filippova. 

Source: Magnezitovets